AI Consulting Services

Expert AI consulting and solutions at competitive pricing

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Unlock AI Potential with Aligne

Comprehensive AI services tailored to your needs

At Aligne, we believe in the transformative power of AI. We're a boutique tech consultancy dedicated to helping small and medium-sized businesses navigate the complex landscape of AI. With Aligne, you're not just a client - you're a partner in innovation.

We offer a comprehensive suite of AI consulting services and solutions tailored to your business needs


Comprehensive AI services tailored to your needs

Feasibility / Maturity Assessment

We evaluate your business to determine the feasibility of AI implementation and assess your current AI maturity level

Our Feasibility / Maturity Assessment service is the first step in your AI journey.

We use modern assessment frameworks and tools to evaluate your business's current state, including your data infrastructure, technical capabilities, and readiness for AI adoption.

We also assess the potential impact of AI on your business processes and identify areas where AI can add the most value.

This comprehensive assessment allows us to gauge your current AI maturity level and determine the feasibility of AI implementation in your business.

AI Strategy Development

We help you develop a strategic roadmap for AI adoption, aligning it with your business goals and objectives

Once we've assessed your AI readiness and potential, we move on to the AI Strategy Development phase.

Here, we work closely with your team to develop a strategic roadmap for AI adoption.

We use proven strategic planning methodologies and tools to align your AI initiatives with your business goals and objectives.

Our strategy development process includes identifying key AI opportunities, defining AI use cases, setting AI objectives, and developing a detailed implementation plan.

AI Development & Implementation

We handle the end-to-end development and implementation of AI solutions, ensuring they integrate seamlessly with your existing systems.

With a clear AI strategy in place, we proceed to the AI Development & Implementation phase.

Our expert team uses the latest AI technologies and development practices to build custom AI solutions tailored to your business needs.

We handle everything from data preparation and model development to system integration and deployment.

We also ensure that the AI solutions are scalable, secure, and compliant with relevant regulations.

AI Training & Support

We provide comprehensive training to your team, empowering them to effectively use and manage AI solutions. Our support doesn't end with implementation - we offer ongoing support to ensure your AI initiatives continue to deliver value.

To ensure the successful adoption of AI in your business, we provide comprehensive AI Training & Support.

We offer hands-on training sessions to your team, covering everything from the basics of AI to the specific use and management of the AI solutions we've implemented.

Our training approach is designed to empower your team to effectively use and manage the AI solutions.

In addition to training, we offer ongoing support to address any issues that may arise and to ensure that your AI initiatives continue to deliver value.

AI Solutions tailored to your AI strategy, budget and timelines

We offer comprehensive tailored AI solutions, aligning with your organisations AI vision and budget...

Quick AI Solutions: Fast-Track Your AI Journey

Our Quick AI Solutions are designed for businesses that need to test a concept, create a minimum viable product (MVP), or implement an AI solution quickly and cost-effectively.

Leveraging no-code/low-code applications, we can develop and deploy AI solutions in record time, allowing you to reap the benefits of AI without a significant investment.

Whether you're looking to validate an idea or get a quick win with AI, our Quick AI Solutions are the perfect fit.

Mid-Sized AI Solutions: Harness the Power of Cloud-Based AI

Our Mid-Sized AI Solutions are ideal for businesses that require custom AI solutions for one or more identified use cases.

Utilising popular cloud-based AI tools and technologies like Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google GCP, we develop and implement AI solutions tailored to your specific needs.

These projects are more complex and require a bit more investment and time, but the payoff is a custom AI solution that perfectly aligns with your business strategy and delivers tangible results.

Comprehensive AI Products/Solutions: Custom-Built for Your Business

Our comprehensive n AI Products/Solutions are designed for businesses that are ready to fully embrace AI.

We provide end-to-end custom strategy, development, and implementation services to create production-ready and fully scalable AI products or solutions.

This service is ideal for startups and businesses that have the budget for a comprehensive AI project but prefer to outsource the development and implementation to experts.

With our comprehensive AI Products/Solutions, you can focus on your core business while we handle the AI.

Transform your business with AI

Whether you're looking to test a concept with our Quick AI Solutions, implement a custom AI solution with our Mid-Sized AI Solutions, or develop a full-blown AI product with our comprehensive AI services, we've got you covered. Take the first step in your AI journey today...


Expertise, Customisation, Affordability, and Support - We've Got It All

AI Expertise

Our team of AI experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

AI Support

Our skilled and experienced AI team is ready to provide support for your AI success

Tailored AI

We understand that every business is unique. That's why we offer customised AI solutions.

Affordable AI

We believe that AI should be accessible to all businesses, regardless of size or budget

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Harnessing the power of Generative AI: A Strategic Guide for Business Leaders

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